jueves, 5 de mayo de 2016

Ethical Hacking - Understanding Ethical Hacking

Ethical Hacking - Understanding
Este curso le comenzar a recorrer el camino de convertirse en un Ethical Hacking, o en otras palabras; convertirse en un "Analizador de Seguridad." Usted aprenderá a empezar a pensar y mirando a su red a través de los ojos de los atacantes maliciosos. Usted aprenderá a entender la motivación de un atacante. Es el deber de todos los administradores de sistemas y profesionales de seguridad para proteger su infraestructura no sólo de ataques externos, sino también los atacantes dentro de su empresa. Vamos a cubrir la terminología utilizada por los atacantes, la diferencia entre la "piratería" y "hacking ético", las fases de la piratería, los tipos de ataques contra un sistema, lo que las habilidades de un Ethical Hacker necesita obtener, tipos de políticas de seguridad, ¿por qué éticos el hacking es esencial, la forma de estar en el "saber" de lo que está pasando en el mundo la piratería, que es un "hacker", ¿cuáles son los mayores vectores de ataque de seguridad, y mucho más.

Ethical Hacking - Understanding Ethical Hacking

Formato: .MP4 | Peso: 663MB/822MB | Idioma: Ingles| Formadores: Dale Meredith | Archivos base incl | Nivel de habilidad: Todos los niveles | Pluralsight| 7h 0m | 19 May 2015
The Truth About Living in a Technology Based World6m 56s Introduction4m 34s How Protected Do You Feel?2m 21s Overview of the CEH Certification Program21m 10s Overview of the CEH Certification Program1m 52s What Certification Brings You1m 38s Should I Watch This Series?5m 3s What's Expected of You?10m 16s Review the CCA2m 18s How to Build a Lab to Hack Safely42m 36s Overview How to Build a Lab to Hack Safely13m 9s The Host Machine7m 27s Installing The Host Machine20m 28s Summary1m 30s Installing and Configuring Your Windows Server VMs45m 54s Introduction1m 42s Virtual Machine: Server 2012R227m 13s Virtual Machine: Server 2008R216m 12s Summary0m 46s Installing and Configuring Your Desktop VMs59m 0s Introduction1m 47s Virtual Machine: Windows 8.117m 21s Virtual Machine: Windows 714m 4s Virtual Machine: Kali11m 40s Virtual Machine: Housekeeping12m 37s Summary1m 29s Information Security Overview23m 10s Information Security Overview2m 1s Hacking vs. Ethical Hacking4m 44s Fundamentals of Information Security4m 26s Speak like a Hacker6m 28s The Technology Triangle3m 25s Summary2m 4s Security Threats and Attack Vectors44m 22s Overview of Threats and Attack Vectors2m 42s Threats: Hosts6m 27s Threats: Natural & Physical4m 36s Threats: Applications4m 53s Threats: Human4m 43s Threats: Networks2m 7s Threats: Where Do They Come From?3m 36s Attack Vectors7m 17s IPv6 Issues6m 31s Summary of Threats and Attack Vectors1m 24s Hacking Concepts46m 55s Overview of Hacking Concepts2m 17s Hacking Defined0m 51s History of Hacking: In the Beginning4m 26s History of Hacking: Currently5m 47s Ethical Hacking Defined5m 19s What Skills Should an Ethical Hacker Have?3m 49s Type of Pen Tests2m 32s Why a Hacker Hacks4m 43s Types of Hackers4m 48s How Does Hacking Influence Companies?10m 4s Summary of Hacking Concepts2m 13s Hacking Phases28m 38s Overview Hacking Phases6m 2s The Phases1m 3s Phase 1 Reconnaissance6m 22s Phase 2 Scanning4m 10s Phase 3 Gaining Access2m 35s Phase 4 Maintain Access3m 20s Phase 5 Clearing Tracks2m 43s Summary of Hacking Phases2m 19s Attack Types32m 7s Overview of Attack Types1m 55s Application Attacks6m 11s Misconfiguration Attacks3m 28s Shrink-wrap Code Attacks4m 41s O/S Attacks3m 25s Entry Points for an Attack9m 34s Summary of Attack Types2m 50s Information Security Controls48m 50s Overview of Information Security Controls2m 8s Necessity of Ethical Hacking3m 40s What Skills You Must Have3m 55s Multi-layered Defense3m 9s Incident Management3m 45s IM Process3m 39s Security Policies3m 2s Taxonomy of Security Policies5m 29s Vulnerability Research10m 1s Penetration Testing6m 0s Summary of Information Security Controls3m 57s How to Prepare for the Certified Ethical Hacker Exam21m 14s How to Prepare for the CEH Exam2m 5s About the Exam1m 37s How to Prepare2m 55s The SuperDale Method5m 8s Study5m 39s When in Doubt...2m 53s Summary0m 54s
[youtube id="sWgXl-21BH4"]

Pluralsight - Ethical Hacking - Understanding Ethical Hacking - BCPEHUEH


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